We had a great time at Forest School today! We learnt about the boundaries of Forest School and each had to find a red ribbon, then played a game called ‘come on in!’ This helped us to learn about the boundaries and where we could safely go. We also had loads of fun playing in the mud; mixing it, jumping in it and painting with it! Abbie taught us how to use a manual drill and we drilled holes in bits of wood! We took turns using the hammock, which was really cool. At the end of the session we passed round ‘foxy’ the talking stick and talked about what we enjoyed, learnt and what we want to do next week. We decided we’d like to make necklaces using the drill next week, so if anyone collects any conkers over the week, please bring them in :) When we left the forest, we all collected something to give to the ‘Grandmother’ tree. We can’t wait for next week!
Don’t forget to follow the Woodland Corner Forest School Facebook page and Instagram page @woodlandcornerforestschool