In 2005, the lease expired on the Nayland Playgroup Building , which was situated in the grounds of Nayland Primary School . We needed to find a new home for the Playgroup, which has served Nayland for more than 30 years.
Work began on a business plan to raise £240,000 to construct a new building, in another part of the grounds of Nayland Primary School . After 18 months of hard work, the business plan was completed and the capital funding we needed, was secured. In addition to many fundraising events and generous donations from businesses, associations and individuals from Nayland and the surrounding communities, sufficient funding was raised to complete the construction of a beautiful, bespoke building, which will serve the community and the children of Nayland, well into the future.
Building work started on 15 February 2008 and the construction phase was completed on 15 August 2008 . After almost 3 years, Woodland Corner opened for business on Wednesday 3 September 2008. It was officially opened on 20 September 2008 by Joseph James, a pupil at Nayland Primary School, who won a competition to name the new building, now known as Woodland Corner.