Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Jo Jingles - Monday 28th October 2019

Beth from Jo Jingles came to do a half hour taster session with the children.  Jo Jingles

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Forest School - Week 3

This weeks Forest School session involved making necklaces, magic wands and potions in the mud! We had lots of fun swinging on the rope and in the hammock.
To make our necklaces, we had to hollow out elder wood. Elder wood has a soft pith inside it which can be poked out using a stick! This makes them into beads which we could then thread onto the string. We also used the drill again to drill holes in conkers, which we added onto our necklace.
To make the magic wands, we wrapped sellotape around a stick to make it ‘sticky’ and then found lots of lovely natural materials to stick on them! Following the magic wand theme, we then decided to make potions in the mud! We got really muddy and had a little jump in it, obviously 😂

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

New Autumn Breakfast Menu

Tuesday 15th October - Porridge

Sarah, Maisy & Terry came to visit us today!

Sarah Amos came to show us her dog Maisy and Terry (Terry is on holiday at Sarah's house) today.  Sarah runs dog agility training and Maisy (who is now 10) is very well trained.  Sarah told the children all about the dogs and then showed us her 'tricks'.  The children got to give Maisy a treat and stroke her.  Sarah then did some agility with Maisy!  Mean while Terry was on top of the slide!!!🤣

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Forest School - Week two

We had a great time at Forest School today! We learnt about the boundaries of Forest School and each had to find a red ribbon, then played a game called ‘come on in!’ This helped us to learn about the boundaries and where we could safely go. We also had loads of fun playing in the mud; mixing it, jumping in it and painting with it! Abbie taught us how to use a manual drill and we drilled holes in bits of wood! We took turns using the hammock, which was really cool. At the end of the session we passed round ‘foxy’ the talking stick and talked about what we enjoyed, learnt and what we want to do next week. We decided we’d like to make necklaces using the drill next week, so if anyone collects any conkers over the week, please bring them in :) When we left the forest, we all collected something to give to the ‘Grandmother’ tree. We can’t wait for next week!
Don’t forget to follow the Woodland Corner Forest School Facebook page and Instagram page @woodlandcornerforestschool

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

New Autumn Breakfast Menu

Wednesday 9th October 2019 - Special of the day - Eggs & Soldiers

Grandparents Stay & Play 7th October 2019


At Woodland Corner we value the role of the Grandparents.  You fill an irreplaceable role in your grandchild's development: Pillars of wisdom and sources of support, you possess a unique understanding of your family’s history and traditions. You love your grandchild with unconditional affection that matches that of a child’s own parents, and though some families are separated by distance or circumstance, being able to connect with a grandchild frequently fosters a relationship that can influence a child to define values, flourish in self-confidence and strengthen the bonds of family. 

Thank you for coming in yesterday, we all loved having you!