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Harvest Festival
On the 30th September 2015 the Pre-School children were blessed with glorious weather for their Harvest Celebration. We were joined by lots of our parents, grandparents and carers who provided a veritable feast of produce from gardens, allotments and kitchens. Special thanks to Tyler's dad who donated a huge array from his working allotment including an enormous pumpkin!
At the end of our celebration of singing, story telling and learning about Harvest around the world most of our lovely produce was 'sold' and the £43.15 raised has been donated to the Unicef Emergency Syrian Children Appeal.
In the afternoon the children took the produce we had left to give to the lovely senior citizens of Nayland House behind Woodland Corner. We sang songs to the Grandpas and Grandmas there and then they sang to us! It was a lovely visit and we promised to go back again at Christmas.