Friday, 18 December 2015

Merry Christmas from all the staff at Woodland Corner!

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Last day of term: 18th December 2015

Christmas Jumper Day

Children and staff are invited to wear Christmas Jumpers or top with either antlers, hats etc. and make a Charity donation.  Money raised will be sent to 'Save the Children' in conjunction with 'Text Santa,' 'Make a Wish,' Macmillan and various other causes.
Thank you

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Christmas Party - 16th December 2015




Monday, 14 December 2015

Pre School Christmas Party - Wednesday 16th December 2015

Children to arrive at 10am

Parents to come back at Midday for some Christmas songs and a visit from Santa

No pack lunch needed on Wednesday.  Afternoon session open as normal.  Any questions, please call the office.

Pre School Nativity - Friday 11th December 2015

Over 30 children from 25 - 50 months old performed in our Nativity to over 70 proud parents and grandparents.  Thank you to all our little stars - you were brilliant! and thank you to all the grown ups for coming to watch our play in the middle of a working day.  Also a special thank you to Nayland Primary School for letting us use your school hall.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Christmas Craft Club

Woodland Corner's first ever Christmas Craft Club for ages 4-11 ran for four weeks on a Monday and Friday after school.  Crafts included: snow globe, Christmas card, biscuit making and decorating, Christmas scratch art, Christmas bauble suncatchers and bauble stained glass effect decorations.  Children enjoyed hot chocolate a cookie and some free play (inside and out).

We would like to thank our three volunteers - Debbie Lock for biscuit decorating and two young ladies from The Gilberd School  - Tara and Aimee who helped each week.  For more photos, please see the Gallery.  Look out for information in the New Year about our Easter Craft Club.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Thank you

 Many thanks to everyone who supported our Harvest Festival last month. 
Through your generosity we were able to donate £52 to the Unicef Syrian Children Appeal

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Pre-School Diary Dates

Here is a reminder of the important dates at 
Pre-School over the next few weeks :

Sunday 6th December
Christmas Family Fayre
Nayland Village Hall
Noon - 2.30pm
Come and support our Tombola Stall!

Friday 11th December
Nativity Performance
Friday morning pre-school starts at 9.15am as usual.
Parents/carers to congregate in school playground at 10.50am
All children to have a white T shirt or top
If your child does not attend Woodland Corner on a Friday then please drop them off with us beforehand. If you need reminding of what time to bring your child up to us please speak to Cheryl or Caroline.

Wednesday 16th December
Pre-School Christmas Party
Please drop your child off to Woodland Corner at 10am promptly - no earlier
Fancy Dress optional!
Parents and carers are invited to return at Noon for the arrival of our VIP Visitor.
The afternoon session for those who attend on a Wednesday afternoon will go ahead as usual after the Party.

Friday 18th December
Christmas Jumper Day - last day of term
Children are invited to wear a Christmas Jumper to Pre-School and we will be making a collection on behalf of Save The Children

Tuesday 5th January 2016
Woodland Corner reopens

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Music at Woodland Corner

On the 23rd November 2015 one of our lovely parents came to play for the children.

"I'd like to thank all the children and staff at Woodland Corner for letting me come in and demonstrate some musical instruments to them. The children were wonderfully attentive, asked questions about the instruments and enjoyed singing along with various nursery rhymes, carols and songs while I played them the oboe, flute and violin.  My little helper, my son William played along with the melodies, which was wonderful for his confidence!  He encouraged his friends to join in too and we all had a fabulous time! I'd be happy to come in again at a later date, with other instruments and invite the children to play along with their own instruments to help them unleash their own creativity with sound "  Elle

Monday, 23 November 2015


Details of our revised fees for January 2016 can be found here

Friday, 20 November 2015

The last week at Woodland Corner ....

Our Poppy Sale at Woodland Corner raised £12.85 for our local district of the Royal British Legion. 

We raised £27.39 for Children In Need.  The children wore 'spots' to Pre-School, baked Pudsey biscuits and had their faces painted.  The children loved painting Mel's face!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


We celebrated Diwali during the week of 11th November 2015

Diwali is the Hindu festival of light. We learned about the story of Rama and Sita and how they escaped the 10 headed monster, following Diwa lights home.  Mel showed the children how to tie a Sari.  The children made Diwa lanterns from clay, baked Doodh penda Diwali sweets, listened to Hindu meditative music and used their imaginations to visualise animals coming down to the river Ganges to drink and move like them.  We learned a Bhangra dance watching a Zingzillas Diwali DVD and made beautiful Rangoli Sand pictures.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Fire Station Visit

On Wednesday the 11th November 2015 we visited the Fire Station in Nayland.  Fire fighters Tony and Ben made us feel so welcome and we even got to use the hose!

Harvest Festival

On the 30th September 2015 the Pre-School children were blessed with glorious weather for their Harvest Celebration. We were joined by lots of our parents, grandparents and carers who provided a veritable feast of produce from gardens, allotments and kitchens. Special thanks to Tyler's dad who donated a huge array from his working allotment including an enormous pumpkin!

At the end of our celebration of singing, story telling and learning about Harvest around the world most of our lovely produce was 'sold' and the £43.15 raised has been donated to the Unicef Emergency Syrian Children Appeal.

In the afternoon the children took the produce we had left to give to the lovely senior citizens of  Nayland House behind Woodland Corner. We sang songs to the Grandpas and Grandmas there and then they sang to us! It was a lovely visit and we promised to go back again at Christmas. 


Be sure to have a look at the gorgeous Christmas Sacks from The Lapland Sack Company that we have displayed in our lobby.  Order forms (for those who haven't already got them) are available from our office.  An added bonus is that Woodland Corner receives £2 for every sack bought via us so it is a fabulous fundraising opportunity too!