On the morning of Saturday 4th
October we are holding one of our popular fund raising Cake Stalls outside
Kerridge’s Butchers in Nayland and we are asking all of our Woodland Corner parents if they are
able to help, either by making something
delicious for us to sell or helping on the day – or both! Helping on the day is
a lot of fun and an ideal way for new parents to meet other parents and members
of our Committee. We will have a rota on
the door in the lobby for volunteers to put their name on so you would not need
to commit yourself for more than an hour.
Cakes can be dropped off at Woodland Corner on Friday 3rd
October by 3.30pm or brought along to the
stall early on the morning (by 9am
please). Could we ask that all produce
is labelled with exactly what it is and that tins and trays are also labelled
clearly so that they can be returned to you afterwards. Experience has taught
us that cakes with heavily iced toppings melt very quickly in the glaring
Nayland sun (yes, really!) so it might be better avoid those kind of creations.
Thank you in anticipation!