Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Woodland Corner Mini Olympics!

Children at Woodland Corner recently enjoyed a fun filled Mini Olympics Day at Nayland village hall.

The children and visitors took part in running, relay, hurdle and obstacle races as well as other fun activities such as Wellie Wanging, Speed Bounce and Penalty Kick-Out. Even the grown-ups got involved with races for Mums and Dads, an egg and spoon race and a Tug 'O War.

We are very grateful to Marie Bligh who got everyone dancing with a fantastic dance session at the end of the afternoon and to Lisa and Pete who provided the Bouncy Castle. Thanks must also go to the Woodland Corner committee who organised all the lovely refreshments, cake, BBQ, ice-cream and Pimms and to the staff who all worked so hard to make this such an enjoyable occasion.