Friday, 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Trustees, staff and children at Woodland Corner.

We look forward to seeing you again when we reopen on Tuesday 8th January 2013.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Wine Offer from Wheeler's


Wheeler's are kindly supporting Woodland Corner, donating 10% of wine sales via this special offer to Woodland Corner.

Use this opportunity to select these delicious wines for your own enjoyment over the festive season or to arrange your Christmas gifts. Gift bags or boxes are available as an option with your order.

FREE delivery on 12 bottles, or collect from Woodland Corner

Download the order form here to order, or simply call 01206 713560 and quote Woodland Corner, or order online at 

Monday, 10 December 2012

Bad Weather




 01206 263054

Monday, 3 December 2012

Recent Fundraising!

Thank you to everyone who supported our recent two big fundraising events; our Ladies Shopping Evening at the end of last month and our Christine Tombola Stall at the Nayland Community Fayre on Sunday. They raised £608.31 and £205.75 respectively. Special thanks to Kathrine Maguire and Kay English who did such an amazing job organising our inaugural Shopping Evening in just six weeks and to Sue Clarke who ran a very busy the Tombola Stall despite excruciating back pain.

Thank you!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

November Newsletter 2012

Our latest Newsletter is available to download here
or view in the
Newsletters section on the right.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Ladies Shopping Evening!

Thursday 22nd November 2012 

7.30pm – 10.00pm 

at Nayland Village Hall 

Lots of exciting stalls with gift ideas and treats for Christmas, or come and treat yourself!
Come and spend an enjoyable evening with us and help raise money for Woodland Corner.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Thank you!

Huge thanks to everyone who supported our Cake Sale on Saturday which raised over £270! An absolutely amazing effort from everyone who baked, sold and bought - thank you all!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Important Notice

Woodland Corner's broadband connection is not working and so we are unable to receive or respond to any emails until further notice BT has assured us that the problem will be sorted within the next 48 hours but we wiill keep you posted.

In the meantime, if you need to contact us about something urgent then please call us on 01206 263054

Friday, 21 September 2012

Newsletter September 2012

Our September Newsletter is available to download here or from the "Newsletter" section on the right.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Fundraising Cake Sale

Dear Parents,

On the morning of Saturday 29th September we are holding one of our popular fund raising Cake Stalls outside Kerridge’s Butchers in Nayland and we are asking all of our Woodland Corner parents if they are able to help, either by making something delicious for us to sell or helping on the day – or both! Helping on the day is a lot of fun and an ideal way for new parents to meet other parents and members of our Committee. We will have a rota on the door in the lobby for volunteers to put their name on so you would not need to commit yourself for more than an hour.

Cakes can be dropped off at Woodland Corner on Friday 28th September or brought along to the stall early on the morning (by 9am please). Could we ask that all produce is labelled with exactly what it is and that tins and trays are also labelled clearly so that they can be returned to you afterwards.

Experience has taught us that cakes with heavily iced toppings melt very quickly in the glaring Nayland sun (yes, really!) so it might be better avoid those kind of creations.

Thank you in anticipation!

Playgroup Sessions!

We have availability at all of our Playgroup sessions for children from 2 years old.

Up to 15 hours a week funding is available for children born on or before 31/8/2009 and for younger children where parents are in receipt of certain benefits.

Please call us to arrange a visit or to get more information. Alternatively come along to our Open Afternoon from 2.30pm on Friday 28th September.


Notice is given of an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”)
Of Woodland Corner (“The Association”)
to be held on Wednesday 3 October at 8.00 pm at Woodland Corner at which the
following resolution will be considered:

THAT the members having previously resolved that it is in the interests of the Association to convert from an unincorporated association to a limited liability company established as a company limited by guarantee and for this purpose the Committee are incorporating a new limited liability company (registered number to be confirmed) a copy of whose memorandum and articles of association are produced to the meeting and it is resolved that (subject to first registering the new company as a charity and obtaining the consent of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and the Charity Commission) the Association be dissolved (date to be confirmed) and to transfer the entire undertaking of the Association into the new company limited by guarantee, whose first Committee members shall be those persons being the current members of the Committee (subject to any changes in the interim). The Committee is hereby authorised and instructed on behalf of the Association to do all such things and to incur such costs as shall be required to give effect to this resolution as the Committee shall determine. (A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his place. A proxy need not be a member.)




Secretary signature:
Rachel Hitchcock
19 September 2012
c/o Woodland Corner

In simple terms! this EGM is just part of the process for Woodland Corner to become a charitable company limited by guarantee. This is recommended by the Pre-School Learning Alliance because it protects our committee from any financial liability. Because, as parents, you are effectively members of Woodland Cornerwe need to give notice of the EGM so please just let Caroline know if you have any questions or would like to attend.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Autumn Term 2012

Welcome to the Autumn Term at Woodland Corner!

We look forward to welcoming all of our children back on Tuesday 4th September. If any of your children's clubs at Nayland School are not starting until next week and you need to amend your sessions with us then please do remember to let us know since our spaces are limited.

Saturday, 21 July 2012


Woodland Corner is now closed for the summer holidays and will reopen on Tuesday 4th September.

If you need to amend, or add to, any of your child/ren's sessions for September then please send us an email with your exact requirements to and we will confirm back to you over the holidays.

Happy holidays from all of the staff and committee
Congratulations to

Sammy Morris

who has passed her degree in
Early Years, Childcare &; Education.
Well done! We are very proud of you!
From all the staff, committee and children at Woodland Corner

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Woodland Corner Mini Olympics!

Children at Woodland Corner recently enjoyed a fun filled Mini Olympics Day at Nayland village hall.

The children and visitors took part in running, relay, hurdle and obstacle races as well as other fun activities such as Wellie Wanging, Speed Bounce and Penalty Kick-Out. Even the grown-ups got involved with races for Mums and Dads, an egg and spoon race and a Tug 'O War.

We are very grateful to Marie Bligh who got everyone dancing with a fantastic dance session at the end of the afternoon and to Lisa and Pete who provided the Bouncy Castle. Thanks must also go to the Woodland Corner committee who organised all the lovely refreshments, cake, BBQ, ice-cream and Pimms and to the staff who all worked so hard to make this such an enjoyable occasion.


Unfortunately the Teddy Bear's Picnic on Thursday has been cancelled because of a fallen tree blocking the path through the woods.

Morning Playgroup will now end at 12.15pm on that day as usual BUT the Lunch Club session will end at 12.30pm. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Teddy Bears Picnic!

On Thursday 19th July the Duckling and Cygnets classes are holding their annual Teddy Bears Picnic. Nayland Playgroup children and their families are invited to join them at 11.30 for a Teddy Bear hunt in the woods to be followed by a picnic in the Duckling and Cygnets garden. 

Parents who wish to join in the fun should return at 11.25am to collect children attending playgroup that morning.  If your child does not normally attend that day you are welcome to attend with your child and should meet in the Duckling  garden at 11.30am.
Please note that there will be no Lunch Club on that day and so any un-accompanied children should be collected from the Ducklings garden at 12.15pm.
Don’t forget picnics & Teddy Bears!

Monday, 25 June 2012

June Newsletter

Our June Newsletter is now available to download here.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Please find attached details of our amended fees which become effective from the start of the autumn term on 4th September – our first inflationary increase for two years.

We have increased full Breakfast Club fees slightly more than other sessions because of rising food costs (an increased charge was introduced for After School Club sessions including meals in January 2012 for the same reason).

Please rest assured that as a charitable organisation we keep our fees as low as possible so that we can continue to provide high quality, affordable childcare for all local families. Our fees cover our day to day running costs and we continue to run a successful fundraising programme to cover the cost of larger items and equipment for the children.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Caroline Keep.


Keeley Bennett


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Monday 11th Non-Pupil Day

Just a reminder that Monday 11th June is a non-pupil day and Woodland Corner will be closed.

We reopen as usual on Tuesday 12th June.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Woodland Corner Mini Olympics!

In celebration of London hosting The Olympics this year we are delighted to announce that
Woodland Corner is holding its very own

Mini Olympic Family Event

on Saturday 7th July at Nayland Village Hall
from 11am – 2pm.

Every family who uses Woodland Corner for Playgroup or Out of School Care from 2 years old to 100 years are warmly invited to come and join us in our sporting (and non-sporting) fun activities.

There will be something for all ages including an Olympic Parade, mini-Olympic challenges, a bouncy castle, a fun dance class and a Tug-O-War for the butch and brave!

Refreshments on sale will include hot dogs and burgers, PIMMS, beer, soft drinks, tea, coffee and cake and ice lollies.

We hope that this will be huge fun and raise some much needed funds for Woodland Corner.

Please return the reply slip below letting us know if you will be attending.

Download the letter here.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Woodland Corner’s Knight and Princess Party!

In celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen, Elizabeth II, and as part of our learning this term about Knights, Dragons, Princes and Princesses, we warmly invite Playgroup & Duckling children to join us for a Woodland Corner’s Knight and Princess Party!

Please complete and return the following:-

Woodland Corner’s Knight and Princess Party
On Thursday May 31st
From 12.15pm – 2.00pm
At Woodland Corner
£3.00 per child or £5.00 for two children*
Fancy dress, Face painting and fun activities

*Prices will be adjusted for children who already have pre-paid lunch club on that day.

___________________________________ (names of children)

will/will not* be attending the party on Thursday 31st May.

I enclose £ ___________

Signed: __________________________________ Parent/carer

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Playgroup Parents Evening

All parents and carers of Playgroup children are invited to a Parents Evening on Wed 23rd May from 7 – 9pm.

This is an informal evening with the opportunity to chat to your child’s key person and look at your child’s Learning Journey Folder.

Forms are available from the Woodland Corner office for you to let us know whether you would prefer a time slot between 7pm and 8pm or 8pm and 9pm and you will be allocated 10 minutes with your child’s Key Person. Please feel free to let us know your preferred time slot by email if that is easier. ( )

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

May Newsletter

Our May Newsletter is now available to download - either visit the "Newsletter" section to the right (sidebar) or follow this link.

Please note the section on this Summer's Funshine Holiday Club which has had to be cancelled due to building works.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Marathon Success!

Big thanks to Matthew Keep for running the Brighton Marathon on Sunday for Woodland Corner!

His efforts raised almost £400 so thanks to everyone who sponsored him. If you haven’t there is still time! Just go to (Virgin Giving - Matthew Keep)

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Woodland Corner's AGM next Monday

Don’t forget that all parents are invited (and very much encouraged!) to attend our AGM at Woodland Corner next Monday April 23rd at 7.30pm.

There will be wine and nibbles and a chance to hear from the Trustees about how YOUR childcare facility is doing. We are always keen to welcome new recruits to our Committee and the AGM is the time to do that so, if you fancy joining, then please let us know beforehand. “Many hands make light work” and your commitment can be as large or small as you decide. If you don’t want to join the Committee then please do try and just come along to support the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Playgroup's Spring Walk

On Tuesday 27th March the sun shone as the playgroup children, their families and staff toddled down to the fields behind the Anchor Inn in Nayland, to see the Spring baby animals that Hector and Daniel Bunting had bought to show them. Arthur Bunting proudly showed his friends his goat handling skills and the children were able to stroke baby rabbits, a chicken, ferrets, pat a donkey and even hold an owl wearing a special leather glove.. Then as an extra special treat, the children and adults had rides around the fields by the river, in a wagon pulled by two magnificent Suffolk Punch horses.

We had a wonderful time and our thanks go to the Buntings and their staff for such a special event to celebrate Easter.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Nayland School Easter Egg Hunt

All Playgroup children and parents are invited to the



If your child is at Woodland Corner that morning please come and collect them at 11.20am and take them to the Ducklings playground ready for the hunt.

If your child is not at Woodland Corner on Thursday morning then you are very welcome to bring them to the Easter Egg Hunt and should meet us in the Ducklings Playground at 11.25am.

Please pay £1 to Woodland Corner to cover the cost of an egg for your child

Have you booked your place at the Easter Holiday Funshine Club yet?

Have you booked your place at the Easter Holiday Funshine Club yet?
It runs from Monday 2nd – Thursday 5th April.

(The Funshine Club is available for children born after 1st September 2000 and before 31st August 2007.)

Download your application form here or for more details call Woodland Corner .

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Help raise funds for Woodland Corner!

On 15th April Caroline's husband Matthew will be running the Brighton Marathon to raise funds for Woodland Corner which provides a fantastic playgroup and breakfast and after school and holiday club facility for the children of Nayland and its surrounding villages.

The fees at Woodland Corner are kept low and affordable because of the amazing efforts of the trustee and staff who fundraise enthusiastically and relentlessly to provide all of the extras that make Woodland Corner so special. The shopping list of things that they want to buy for the children is endless so he is hoping that his efforts in Brighton, and your support, will help reduce that list.

You can sponsor Matthew online here.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Cake Sale this Saturday!

Don't forget our cake stall this Saturday! Please deliver your cakes to Woodland Corner on Friday or to the stall outside Kerridges early on Saturday.

Woodland Corner maintains a Google Calendar (select the "Calendar" tab above) in which we endeavour to record all upcoming events so do remember to check it.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Free Boden Mugs!

Please don’t forget our Boden party at Woodland Corner next Thursday at 7.30pm.

The first 50 customers who order at Woodland Corner on the night will receive one of these fantastic Boden takeaway china mugs so don’t forget your credit/debit cards. The £3 raffle ticket at the door (2 for £5 so bring a friend!) will entitle you to a free glass of wine and entry into our raffle for £50 of Boden vouchers. Finally, we have just heard from Boden that (as well as the 20% discount and free delivery & returns already advertised) there will be a 25% discount on all mini-Boden ordered as a result of our party!

Let the Woodland Corner office know ASAP if you will be attending.

Monday, 27 February 2012


Dear Parents,

As you will have noticed work has started on the new extension at Nayland School and will be ongoing until September. There will be some disruption to services at Woodland Corner but we hope to keep these to a minimum and we would ask for your patience and flexibility.

On Wednesday 29th February there will be a disruption to our power and water supply. Rather than close the facility we have decided that Woodland Corner will remain open but we will not be able to provide hot food for Breakfast and After School Clubs. Children at Breakfast Club will be offered cereal and yogurt as usual and bread and spreads instead of toast. We will provide sandwiches for children attending After School Club instead of the usual cooked meal. Although our heating system will also be out of action the building is well insulated and retains heat efficiently. However, we would recommend that you ensure that your child has sufficient warm clothing on the day.
If you need to contact us during the power down period then please use mobile number 07551 450998. Please note that this number is for our Trips & Outings Mobile phone and not usually turned on so only use it whilst our landline is not available.
It is not going to be possible for us to safely transport hot meal from the school across the site during the build programme so school dinners will not be available from Woodland Corner from Monday 5th March indefinitely. If your child is attending lunch club at Woodland Corner they must be supplied with a packed lunch from next Monday 5 March onwards.
There are likely to be some problems with access to our building, which we are expecting to be from 5th March. We will advise you of details once they have been confirmed. The school has lent us some hi-visibility jackets for children which will be available this week.

Please look out for emails and website updates from us keeping you informed of developments. If you have not already subscribed to email updates from our website then you may find it useful to do so by logging onto the home tab on our website: and scrolling down to the bottom right where you can subscribe. We will also be updating our Facebook and Twitter pages with any relevant information.

Thanking you in advance for your patience and co-operation,

Sue Clarke

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Invoices are going out this week for second half Spring term fees and will be due for payment by Friday 9th March.

Can we please remind all parents and carers of our new Fees Policy whereby a £5 administration charge will be applied immediately fees become overdue. As in the past, we are happy to discuss budget payment plans, if required, but can we stress that this needs to be done BEFORE the invoice becomes due otherwise late payment charges will apply. Please speak to Sue Clarke or Caroline Keep if you have any queries.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Funshine Holiday Club Easter 2012

We are now taking bookings for our Easter Holiday Funshine Club which runs from Monday 2nd – Thursday 5th April.

We have lots of fun activities planned including a nature hunt, cooking, construction and crafts and an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday afternoon.
On the morning of Wednesday 4th April we are very excited to be having Peter Reilly (a real Magician!) at Woodland Corner who will entertain the children with some of his amazing magic and then teach them some tricks of their own! Please book early to secure your place as we expect them to be go fast.

The Funshine Club is available for children born after 1st September 2000 and before 31st August 2007.

Download your application form here.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Half Term

Don’t forget Half Term next week! We re-open again on Monday 20th February.

Have a happy and healthy week!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

All the children at Woodland Corner have been enjoying the snow.

They have been building snowmen and igloos, digging in the snow and having great fun with sledges on the slope. 

Look out Winter Olympics 2026, we may have a future bobsleigh team.

Check out our Gallery for more pictures!

Monday, 6 February 2012

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Mugs

As with previous Royal Jubilees, the Nayland with Wissington Parish Council and the Nayland with Wissington Community Council wish to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee by commissioning a Jubilee Mug.

A gift of a commemorative jubilee mug will be given to all the Parish’s residents who will be no older than 16 on 31st December 2012. In order for your child(ren) to qualify for the free mug, you should complete the relevant sections of the order form below .

For adults and those who do not qualify for gift, these Jubilee mugs will also be available to purchase but pre-ordering is essential. The cost will be £5.00. If you wish to order please complete the relevant sections of the form below.
To ensure qualification and efficient distribution, it is essential that the required information is provided. This information will be only seen by the Parish Council and Diamond Jubilee Committee being used as a basis for ordering and distributing the mugs. It will not be shared with third parties.



Friday, 3 February 2012




01206 263054

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Fees and Payments Policy

Woodland Corner has revised its Fees & Payment Policy with effect Monday 20th February when we return after Half Term. Please take a moment to read the new policy which is available here on our blog or in the policies folder in the Woodland Corner lobby. The most important change is the addition of administration fees for overdue accounts which will apply immediately an invoice becomes overdue.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss the policy please speak to Sue Clarke, Caroline Keep or our Treasurer, Keeley Bennett.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

January Newsletter

Our January Newsletter is available to view here ,
or follow the link on the right in the Newsletters section.