Dear Parents,
As you will have noticed work has started on the new extension at Nayland School and will be ongoing until September. There will be some disruption to services at Woodland Corner but we hope to keep these to a minimum and we would ask for your patience and flexibility.
On Wednesday 29th February there will be a disruption to our power and water supply. Rather than close the facility we have decided that Woodland Corner will remain open but we will not be able to provide hot food for Breakfast and After School Clubs. Children at Breakfast Club will be offered cereal and yogurt as usual and bread and spreads instead of toast. We will provide sandwiches for children attending After School Club instead of the usual cooked meal. Although our heating system will also be out of action the building is well insulated and retains heat efficiently. However, we would recommend that you ensure that your child has sufficient warm clothing on the day.
If you need to contact us during the power down period then please use mobile number 07551 450998. Please note that this number is for our Trips & Outings Mobile phone and not usually turned on so only use it whilst our landline is not available.
It is not going to be possible for us to safely transport hot meal from the school across the site during the build programme so school dinners will not be available from Woodland Corner from Monday 5th March indefinitely. If your child is attending lunch club at Woodland Corner they must be supplied with a packed lunch from next Monday 5 March onwards.
There are likely to be some problems with access to our building, which we are expecting to be from 5th March. We will advise you of details once they have been confirmed. The school has lent us some hi-visibility jackets for children which will be available this week.
Please look out for emails and website updates from us keeping you informed of developments. If you have not already subscribed to email updates from our website then you may find it useful to do so by logging onto the home tab on our website: and scrolling down to the bottom right where you can subscribe. We will also be updating our Facebook and Twitter pages with any relevant information.
Thanking you in advance for your patience and co-operation,
Sue Clarke