The Nayland Festival weekend this weekend (17th-19th September) was a huge success all round – and Woodland Corner was pleased to be involved by organising the Duck Race, doing a slot for the flower show, producing a scarecrow for the Scarecrow Competition and also holding our regular fundraising cake sale on the Saturday morning!!

Huge thanks to all the staff, parents, children and committee who helped in all these activities. The duck race was great fun – we sold all 92 ducks and Fen Street was thronged with people cheering their ducks on to the finish! Congratulations to Alex Lee Smith who was the ultimate winner. The flower display (a creatively decorated toy digger!) and the innovative Buzz Lightyear Scarecrow kept the children occupied for the week before the festival – much fun was had by them and the staff! Woodland Corner's scarecrow was beaten into second place, however, by one of our children - Millie Tasker - who had made a fantastic effort.
And finally the Cake Stall had its usual abundance of beautiful homemade cakes thanks to our massively generous supporters. In total we raised well over £200 for Woodland Corner over the course of the weekend – so once again thank you to all.