Thursday, 27 May 2010

Band, Beer and BBQ Night a Great Success!!!

On Saturday 22nd May Woodland Corner hosted its first Band and Barbeque night at Nayland Village Hall. Local band ‘ Out of Exile’ played a range of 80s, 90s and 00s tracks. A fantastic barbeque was provided by Evans butchers in Dedham and the Woodland Corner team manned the bar, kitchen and sold raffle tickets during the evening. It was a really well supported event and raised £1042.20 for Woodland Corner to buy supplies and equipment for the children who attend. Many thanks go to the committee and staff of Woodland Corner who organised and staffed the event. Thanks also go to the parents who volunteered to work behind the bar during the evening and to all of you who supported our fundraising night. From the feedback that we have received, expect another event soon!