'Give Mums a break!' a great success!
Sunday 25th April was our first "Give Mums a Break" day at Woodland Corner. The aim of the event was to encourage involvement and interest of dads in early home learning and to facilitate socialising with other dads they may not normally see. There was a Treasure Hunt in and around the woods which culminated at Woodland Corner for the 'Treasure'.
Over 25 dads/grandads and a few mums/grandmas joined us bringing between them over 30 children. Educational literature was out on display, and a photo album of the children at Woodland Corner playing and learning. We included some interesting activities they could try with their children which included a popular dinosaur excavation, a super hero scene and outside play.
Hot dogs and hot chocolate were provided for a small donation and a photographer joined us for the event. Tracy Morter Photography taking pictures of the dads playing in the woods with their children. Parents will be able to buy them in a frame for a small fee.