Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Jamie's Monday Early Years Football

Planting with the Pre-School children

Sammy's mummy Laura gave us some small plants to plant in our vegetable garden.  The children dug the soil, raked and planted sweetcorn, runner beans and courgettes.  We planted Maureen's seed potatoes in a special potato sack.  Dana helped us plant pansies in pots in high up troughs.

Forest Fun Session - Week 2

Fun in the sun!

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Forest Fun Session - Week One

Today we had our first Forest Fun Session with Zoe.  It was all about the senses and we had to look, smell, touch and hear.  We had our snack outside on picnic blankets.  We were outside all morning in the warm weather!  At the end of the session we got to have a go on the rope swing.  We loved our Forest School Session and we can't wait till next Tuesday.  Thank you Zoe x