Wednesday, 27 May 2015


As part of our "Healthy Eating, Healthy Me!" theme after
 Half Term Playgroup children and their parents are invited to join us for  breakfast at Woodland Corner on Friday 5th June at 8.15am.

Further details here with a reply form that needs to be returned by Wednesday 3rd June.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Butterflies & frogs!

Just in time for the end of term four of our tadpoles completed their metamorphosis from froglets into frogs and the children were able to watch the frogs swimming and climbing on a rock in a tray. We released them all into the school pond and hope to find more tadpoles next Spring.

ALSO, one of our butterflies has hatched from its cocoon and is now a beautiful Red Admiral!

Spring has truly sprung  at Woodland Corner!

Happy Half Term from us all we look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 2nd June.


Don't forget Nayland Fete on Bank Holiday Monday. Great fun for all of the family!
Nayland Village Hall 2pm

Further details here

Wednesday, 13 May 2015


Very quick post to share the fantastic news that our Barn Dance last Saturday raised
Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard behind the scenes and on the night to make it such an enjoyable and successful evening.
The feedback from everyone who attended has been just fantastic. Thank you!
Pictures to follow soon.

Friday, 1 May 2015


Our latest newsletter is now available for you to download here. Please take a moment to read as it contains important information about the early part of our summer term, Funshine Holiday Club and, most importantly, our Barn Dance on 9th May.

Paper copies are also available from the Woodland Corner office.