Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Annual Fees Review

Please find  attached details about our annual fees review which becomes effective at the beginning of the Spring term on Tuesday 6th January 2015.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Ladies Shopping Evening

Thank you to everyone who supported our Ladies Shopping Evening last Friday. There was an enormous amount of work that went on behind the scenes so big thanks to our fabulous army of helpers who helped pull it all together. Special thanks to Ailsa Clarke for designing our logo and being our official photographer on the night and to Katherine English for coordinating the amazing decoration of the hall.  

Final numbers and photographs to follow later this week!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Our friends at Polstead Playgroup are holding a Disco for 2 - 6 year olds at Polstead Village Hall on Friday 5th December from 4pm - 6pm. Click here for further details.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Ladies Shopping Evening - this Friday!

We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Ladies Shopping Evening at Nayland Village Hall this Friday. As well as an opportunity to buy some fabulous Christmas presents it is also a really lovely social evening to catch up with friends and share a glass of wine (or two!).

Friday, 14 November 2014

Children In Need

Our little people had great fun today raising money for Children In Need by wearing spots, baking Pudsey  biscuits and painting Mel!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Breakfast & After School Club Special Offer

An all day shopping opportunity for parents of full time school aged children.

We are offering a very Christmas Shopping Special Offer to parents of school aged children offering Breakfast & After School Club for the special price of £11 including breakfast and tea.
Please click here for further details.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Latest Newsletter Available

Please click here to download our latest Newsletter which is full of details about our busy Autumn term including our Ladies Shopping Evening on November 21st, Children In Need this Friday, the Community Council Fayre in December, new Chair nominations, Easy Fundraising and our Playgroup Frozen party.  

Hard copies available from the Woodland Corner office.

Monday, 10 November 2014



Yes it's that time of year again! We are once again asking for tombola donations for our stall at the Community Council Christmas Fayre at Nayland Village Hall on December 7th. As usual, the theme for our tomobola is Christmas so anything that fits that theme (however vaguely!) would be much appreciated. Christmas cards, a tree decoration, crackers, mince pies, biscuits, Christmas novelties, tinsel, wrapping paper .... anything festive! There is a box for your donations in the Woodland Corner lobby. Thanking you in anticipation and we look forward to seeing you there on the day.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Early Years Practitioner Vacancy

We have a vacancy for an Early Years Practitioner for our busy pre-school sessions. Ideally the candidate should have a Level 3 childcare qualification and previous exerience working as a key person for a group of children. A  Level 2 qualification would be considered.

The position is part time during term time for 10 - 15 hours a week plus cover for staff absences. Salary is dependent upon qualifications and experience.

Please contact Sue Clarke at Woodland Corner on 01206 263054 or enquiries_wc1@btconnect.com