Saturday, 29 January 2011

Community Playthings Hollow Bricks have arrived!

As you will have noticed, the Community Playthings Hollow Bricks that we have been fund raising for, for the last six months have now arrived at Woodland Corner much to the excitement of all the children. They are huge success and are proving to be a very versatile resource, appealing to both the Playgroup children and the older children in Breakfast and After Clubs. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to raise the money to buy them, with special thanks to the community donation from Linklaters secured by Rachel and Will Hitchcock.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Half Termly invoices for Woodland Corner

Invoices for this half term’s fees and any extra sessions or school dinners taken in December are going out this week.

Could we please encourage you, if possible, to pay via BACS directly into our bank account. Details at the bottom of each invoice.

All invoices need to be paid by Friday 28th January 2011.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Boden is coming to Woodland Corner!

Join us for our first ever Boden Party!

Tuesday 1st February 8.00pm – 10.00pm
At Woodland Corner
Please RSVP to 01206 263054 /
(introduce new Boden customers 
at our party and earn £25 for each 
one that places an order)

Wine, nibbles and an amazing raffle with the opportunity to win
£50 of Boden vouchers!

Feel free to bring a friend!

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Just a reminder that Woodland Corner reopens on Thursday 6th January.

Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th are non-pupil days.

Happy New Year!