Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas Holidays

Woodland Corner will reopen on Wednesday 4th January 2012 with breakfast club at 8am.
Happy Christmas from all of the Trustees, staff and children.

Living with Children Course coming to Woodland Corner

Woodland Corner are hosting a course run by Suffolk Family Learning, called "Living with Children". The course will run from 19 January 2012 – last session 15 March 2012. (NB no lesson Half Term 16th February)

Join us if you would like to:

  • Discuss the ways of building positive relationships with children, setting reasonable limits and boundaries and dealing with challenging behaviour.
  • Share experiences and views with other parents in a supportive and confidential group.
  • Have the opportunity of gaining an NOCN Parenting Skills qualification (QCF approved)

To reserve a place on this popular course please complete the reply slip and return to the Woodland Corner office no later than Thursday 12th January 2012. Alternatively please email your acceptance.

Monday, 28 November 2011


If Nayland School should close because of Industrial Action on Wednesday then Breakfast and After School Club at Woodland Corner will be cancelled.

However Playgroup sessions will run as usual.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The Owl Man

Children at Nayland Playgroup were very excited by a visit from the ‘Owl Man’ Phil Eckett. Phil showed us owls from Australia, Africa and Asia as well as some native British birds. We saw baby owls that were huge and adult owls that were tiny. One could even make itself smaller or bigger. We watched them fly (and walk) across the school hall and one even took a rest on the overhead projector. We stroked their soft feathers and learnt about what they eat and the different ways they hunt for food.

Monday, 21 November 2011

November Newsletter

Our November Newsletter is now
available to download here.

Playgroup Nativity


Please note the revised dates for the Playgroup Nativity.
Performances will now be on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th December.
You will receive a letter this week letting you know on which day your child is taking part.
Apologies for any inconvenience

Monday, 7 November 2011

Woodland Corner Christmas Tombola - Prizes Needed!

We are asking all Woodland Corner parents if they could donate (at least!) one small tombola prize for our stall at

The Nayland Community Council Family Christmas Fayre
in Nayland Village Hall
on Sunday 27th November from Noon – 2pm

As usual the theme for our tombola is Christmas so anything that fits that theme (however vaguely!) would be much appreciated.

Christmas cards, a tree decoration, crackers, mince pies, biscuits, Christmas novelties, tinsel, wrapping paper ….. anything festive.

Please leave your donations in the box in the lobby and be sure to put the Fayre in your diary.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Pampered Chef Party

You are invited to a Pamper Chef Party

At Woodland Corner on Wednesday 16th November 2011
8pm – 10pm

Entry is £3 which entitles you to take part in our raffle to
win a fabulous Pamper Chef product and also gives you a free glass of wine.
RSVP - – 01206 263054

The Owl Man

On Monday 14th November Phil Eckett a.k.a. “The Owl Man” will be coming to visit the entire Early Years Foundation stage both at Playgroup at Woodland Corner and Ducklings and Cygnets at Nayland Primary School. He will be bringing a number of owls and nocturnal animals for the children to see and touch. Children who do not normally attend playgroup on a Monday are welcome to attend but must be accompanied by an adult and need to arrive for at Woodland Corner by 9.15am. The session will end at the normal time and lunch club will not be affected.

We are asking parents for a contribution of £2.50 per child towards the cost of the visit. Please put your contribution in a sealed envelope marked Owl Visit with your child’s name on it and return it to Woodland Corner by Friday 4th November.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Harvest Happiness!

On Thursday 29th September staff, children and their families celebrated Harvest Festival at Woodland Corner.

The children brought fruit and vegetables they had grown or foraged and a beautiful Harvest loaf was donated by the Blackberry Bakery in Colchester.

Rachel Hitchcock came to show the children vegetables grown by our friends at TRANSITION NAYLAND and talked to the children about the importance of supporting and buying locally grown produce.

A collection was made for Save The Children’s East Africa Appeal and £23 was raised. Everyone shared a picnic lunch at the end of the morning.

Friday, 23 September 2011

September Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is now available to download here.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Playgroup would like to invite you to join in our Harvest Festival celebration on Thursday 29th September at 11.30am, as part of this half term’s theme of autumn and Harvest. There will be some singing and storytelling and Michaela from Transition Nayland will be bringing some of the lovely fruit and vegetables that have been grown on the local allotments in Nayland, to show the children.

If you have any fruit, flowers or vegetables that you have grown at home or foraged nearby, then your child is welcome to bring them in, to add to our Harvest Display. Everyone is invited to bring a picnic lunch to have at Woodland Corner afterwards and we will hope to be able to sit outdoors, weather permitting. We will be making a collection for the charity Save the Children, for their East Africa drought appeal, at the end of the morning.

If your child does not normally attend the Thursday morning session, you and your child are still welcome to come along to the celebration at 11.30am.

Please print and complete our Harvest reply form or the paper copy your child brings home.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Cake Sale Success!

We are delighted to report that yesterday's Cake Sale raised an impressive £110!
Many thanks to all who contributed, either by baking, selling or buying.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Internet fixed!

Our internet connection has now been restored so email is working again! Please remember though that if you need to contact us to amend or make a booking within the next 2 days you should call us on 01206 263054 since emails are not checked daily.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011



Sunday, 4 September 2011

Autumn Term

The Autumn term is almost here! 
Woodland Corner reopens on Tuesday 6th September with breakfast club at 8am.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Wine Tasting Evening

Woodland Corner invite you to an evening of great wine and good food, on
Saturday 15th Oct 2011
7.30pm for 7.45pm – Nayland Village Hall

An evening with the Wine Company 
hosted by Johnny and Carine Wheeler
Learn from the experts at our wine tasting!

£22.50 per ticket or £20.00 for 8 or more
Includes wine tasting and light supper
Tickets from Nayland Post Office, Woodland Corner and Nayland School

Download the flyer here

Sunday, 28 August 2011

September Cake Sale!

Woodland Corner are having a fundraising 
Cake Sale 
outside Kerridge Butcher's in Court St, Nayland

on 17th September
from 8.45am whilst stocks last!

Woodland Corner will be asking for donations of cakes and biscuits for this sale at the start of term, but please put the date in your diary, come along and help support us and take away a weekend treat!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Summer Holidays

Woodland Corner is now closed for the Summer Holidays and will reopen on Tuesday 6th September.

We do still have limited availability at our Funshine Holiday Clubs in July and August so if you would like to make a booking please call 01206 263054.

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Nayland Playgroup Beach Trip 2011

This year our annual jaunt to Frinton will be on Thursday 21st July.

All playgroup children are welcome to come but must be accompanied by a parent or carer. To save costs, transport is by parents own cars.

The meeting place will be opposite the end of Pole Barn Lane on the Esplanade at about 10.30 am. Balloons will be attached to a staff car so that you have an idea of where we are should you arrive late. Maps are available from Woodland Corner.

Cross the railway crossing at Frinton then take the first turn left into Pole Barn Lane. Follow the road until you reach the junction at the beach. Parking is available opposite. We will tie some balloons to a staff car to help you spot us. There is a path which leads to the beach where you will find us. The path is quite steep but is suitable for pushchairs. Departure time is up to you but usually depends on the weather. If you need to be back for school finishing time you should allow at least an hour.

Please bring your own packed lunch, buckets and spades etc.

There will not be a regular playgroup session on the 21st July unless the trip is cancelled due to heavy rain when playgroup session will go ahead as normal. Lunch Club is also cancelled. If there is any doubt about the suitability of the weather a message will be left on the Woodland Corner answer machine (01206 263054) for you to ‘phone in and check.

Don’t forget the sun cream. The sun can burn even on dull days.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Teddy Bears' Picnic!

On Wednesday 20th July the Duckling and Cygnets classes are holding their annual Teddy Bears Picnic. Nayland Playgroup children and their families are invited to join them at 11.30 for a Teddy Bear hunt in the woods to be followed by a picnic in the Duckling and Cygnets garden finishing around 12.30.

Parents who wish to join in the fun should return at 11.25am to collect children attending playgroup that morning. If your child does not normally attend that day you are welcome to attend with your child and should meet in the Duckling class garden at 11.30am.

Please note that there will be no hot school lunches available on either day and no Lunch Club for Ducklings children. Parents/carers not attending should collect their children at normal pick up times.

Don’t forget picnics & Teddy Bears!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Playgroup Sports Day - Thursday 7th July

Family and friends are invited to join us at Woodland Corner at 11am to watch children’s races. Afterwards we will have a picnic in our garden finishing around 12.45pm.

Please provide a picnic lunch and note that there will be no hot school lunches available and no lunch club for Ducklings children. Parents/carers not attending should collect their children at normal pick up times.

In the event of bad weather the sports day will be cancelled and playgroup sessions will continue until their normal time.

Please let Woodland Corner know if you and your child will be attending.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Woodland Corner - IMPORTANT INFO re 30th June

Woodland Corner will be open as usual this Thursday 30th June but the ECaT session in the afternoon for Playgroup parents will be rescheduled.

If you have a place booked at Woodland Corner which you do not intend to use on Thursday then it would be very useful if you could let us know.

Friday, 24 June 2011

"Every Child's A Talker"

Click here for details of Woodland Corner’s ‘Every Child A Talker’ campaign next week.
We hope that you will be able to join us for one, some or all of the activities!

Please note that the crèche facility on Thursday is on a first come first served basis so book your place early.
Please print the document and return the reply slip.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Make a Scarecrow!!

Transition Nayland 
Nayland Primary School's Eco Team 
invite you to 


to help protect the lovely fruit and vegetables growing in 
Nayland Allotments from the birds!

Bring your scarecrow to the Nayland Festival on 
Saturday June 2nd.

Full details here, any size scarecrow is welcome 
and there will be prizes for the best!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

June Newsletter

Our June Newsletter is now available to download, either here or in the "Newsletter" section to the right of the Blog.

Now Taking Bookings for Summer Funshine Club!

We are now taking bookings for our Summer Holiday Funshine Club. Do book early to guarantee your choice of sessions and avoid disappointment.

The Booking Form is available here to download.

NB Bookings are not confirmed until payment in full is received.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Ethan the Corn Snake visits Woodland Corner.

Children and staff at Woodland Corner were very excited by the visit of a Corn Snake on Monday! They learned about snakes and what they eat. Some were brave enough to stroke or hold the snake.

Thank you to Angela and Matthew for bringing Ethan to see us

Monday, 13 June 2011

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Ice Cream and Hook A Fish stalls at the Nayland School Fete last Saturday. We raised £174.14! 

Particular thanks to Kay and Tony.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Woodland Corner would like to congratulate Mel Hieatt on qualifying as an Early Years Professional. 
Well done Mel we are all very proud of you!

Nayland School Fete

11AM – 1PM  


Saturday, 4 June 2011


Monday 6th June is a Non-Pupil Day and Woodland Corner is closed.

We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 7th June!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Haircut opportunity for Playgroup Children

Tina Barber (mother of one of our playgroup children and a professional hairdresser) will be offering haircuts to playgroup children during the morning playgroup sessions on the following dates.

The cost will be £5 per child with all proceeds being kindly donated to Woodland Corner.



If you would like a haircut for your child on one of these dates please speak to Caroline or Sue.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Teddy Bear's Picnic at Jimmy's Farm

The Pre School Learning Alliance is celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, and to celebrate our local sub committee has organised a Teddy Bears Picnic at Jimmy’s Farm on Wednesday 22 June.

The Pre School Learning Alliance (previously known as the Pre School Playgroups Association) was set up nearly 40 years ago when a young London mother, Belle Tutaev, could not find a state nursery place for her young daughter so set up a group of her own. Many other parents were experiencing similar problems and were setting up groups too. Belle started to put people in touch with one another.

The aims of the organisation at first were two fold: mutual support for those running groups and also the lobbying of government to emphasise the importance of preschool provision. As a charity established by parent volunteers to support families in local communities, they play a key role in delivering the early years agenda. They remain the largest, most representative voice of the early years sector with over 14,000 members. Nayland Playgroup (and now Woodland Corner) has been a member since its inception in the 1960s.

We would like to invite all playgroup children and their parents and siblings to join us at the picnic on 22nd June. The cost will be £5 per child (including siblings). Each paying child can be accompanied by an adult for free.

The event runs from 10am – 2pm. Meeting time and location to be advised nearer the time. Transport will be by parents own cars. Please speak to Sue or Caroline if you need help with transport.

Duckling children and their parents are very welcome to attend this event with us, but if not, we will be operating a small afternoon session for Duckling children who usually attend on a Wednesday afternoon. Please note there will be no morning playgroup session on Wednesday 22nd June.

Please return the attached RSVP with full payment by Mon 23rd May.

Monday, 9 May 2011

May Newsletter

Our May Newsletter is available here and also in the "Newsletter" section to the right. 

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Summer Holiday Funshine Club!

Our popular "Funshine" Holiday Club will be running again this Summer Holiday.

Dates will be :-

Monday 25th July -Friday 29th July and
Tuesday 30th August - Friday 2nd September

Booking form available to download here.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Happy Easter!

After Easter …

Woodland Corner reopens on Wednesday 27 April and is open for just the Wednesday and Thursday of that week because of The Royal Wedding on Friday 29th April. Please also note that the following Monday (May 2) is a Bank Holiday.

Happy Easter everyone!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Spring Walk

Playgroup children enjoyed a sponsored walk through Nayland village to the field opposite The Anchor, raising money for this term’s charity Sightsavers International.

On our toddle through the village, the children had to use their noticing skills to spot yellow ducks hidden at various locations such as the post office and the butchers.

In the field opposite the Anchor pub we met Hector and Daniel Bunting, who had brought a selection of their spring babies for the children to see and stroke. There were ducks and rabbits, goats, guinea pigs, chickens, a donkey and even a beautiful owl. The children thoroughly enjoyed their outing and succeeded in completing a one mile round trip on their return to Playgroup.

Our thanks go to all the parents and grandparents who supported us and particularly to the Buntings for so kindly bringing the animals for the children to see. We look forward to finding out how much money we have raised for Sightsavers. 

Children in Woodland Corner’s Out of School Clubs are taking part in a sponsored blindfold obstacle course in aid of Sightsavers this week.

Monday, 4 April 2011


pastedGraphic.pdfThanks to everyone who supported our 
Cake Stall on Saturday

We raised £263!

Please don’t forget to collect any of your tins or plates.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Chatter Matters!

Now that the Easter holidays are approaching we would like to share with you an exciting event we have planned for next term.

2011 is National Year of Communication and throughout the year the Hello Campaign will make communication a priority in homes and schools across the whole country.

Woodland Corner will be taking part in a programme called “Every child a Talker - ECAT” and we would like to invite you to join in with a week of fun activities to show how you can enhance your child’s development and learning. With your support and commitment to your child’s speech, language and communication development, we can work together to enrich your child’s whole language learning experience across the home and playgroup environments.

Full details can be downloaded here and will be sending a letter home early next term.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Nayland School Easter Egg Hunt.

All playgroup children and parents are invited to the school's Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday 7th April.

Cost is £1 per child to cover the cost of an egg for your child. Please bring money to Woodland Corner

If your child is at Woodland Corner that morning please come and collect them at 11.20am and take them to the Ducklings playground ready for the hunt.
If your child is at Woodland Corner on Thursday morning then you are very welcome to bring them to the Easter Egg Hunt and should meet us in the Ducklings Playground at 11.25am.


Full details can be viewed on our poster here.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Red Nose Day - Comic Relief 2011

This Friday (18th) is Red Nose Day!

Everyone attending Woodland Corner on Friday is invited to wear something red for Comic Relief.

Monday, 7 March 2011

March Newsletter

Our March Newsletter is now available here to download.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Easter Holiday Funshine Club!

We are now taking bookings for our ever popular Funshine Holiday Club. You download the application form here and post or deliver to Woodland Corner. Early booking is advised to be sure your child gets a place.

If you want to download and print a poster to advertise the Holiday Club a full size version is here.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Date for your Diary

It's a little way off yet but please put our next Cake Sale in your diary - or sign up for Calendar updates on the Calendar page! (See tab above)

Woodland Corner are holding one of their regular Cake Sales outside Kerridge's (Butchers) in Court Street, Nayland on Saturday 2nd April.

Please download our poster and advertise it locally if you are able.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

First Boden Sale a great success!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Boden Shopping Event at Woodland Corner last night. It was a lovely evening with lots of chatting, wine drinking and shopping! For those of you who were unable to attend but would still like to shop and receive the generous discounts please feel free to use the discount codes below on the Boden website Try both and see which works out cheapest!

W795 W796

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Community Playthings Hollow Bricks have arrived!

As you will have noticed, the Community Playthings Hollow Bricks that we have been fund raising for, for the last six months have now arrived at Woodland Corner much to the excitement of all the children. They are huge success and are proving to be a very versatile resource, appealing to both the Playgroup children and the older children in Breakfast and After Clubs. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to raise the money to buy them, with special thanks to the community donation from Linklaters secured by Rachel and Will Hitchcock.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Half Termly invoices for Woodland Corner

Invoices for this half term’s fees and any extra sessions or school dinners taken in December are going out this week.

Could we please encourage you, if possible, to pay via BACS directly into our bank account. Details at the bottom of each invoice.

All invoices need to be paid by Friday 28th January 2011.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Boden is coming to Woodland Corner!

Join us for our first ever Boden Party!

Tuesday 1st February 8.00pm – 10.00pm
At Woodland Corner
Please RSVP to 01206 263054 /
(introduce new Boden customers 
at our party and earn £25 for each 
one that places an order)

Wine, nibbles and an amazing raffle with the opportunity to win
£50 of Boden vouchers!

Feel free to bring a friend!

Monday, 3 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Just a reminder that Woodland Corner reopens on Thursday 6th January.

Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th are non-pupil days.

Happy New Year!