Monday, 29 November 2010

Fundraising Update

Woodland Corner has been busy fundraising!

The "Pedal, Push and Scoot" has so far raised £261, many thanks to everyone who helped, supported and participated in this fun event. If you haven't returned your sponsor money yet please do so as soon as possible as we are deperate to order our amazing new building blocks before Christmas. Thank you everyone!

Please don't forget to visit our Tombola Stall at this Saturday's Village Christmas Fayre in the Village Hall, Nayland. (4th December) Please leave any Tombola prize donations in the lobby of Woodland Corner, both prizes and/or your help and support on the day are greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Children in Need

Woodland Corner children will be supporting CHILDREN IN NEED this week by baking Pudsey Bear biscuits which will be available for parents and carers to buy on Thursday and Friday. Please remember to bring your purses and wallets with you when you collect your children!

Children attending Playgroup on Friday are encouraged to wear something yellow or spotty!

Friday, 12 November 2010

Successful Pedal, Push and Scoot!

Despite a false start on Thursday Woodland Corner's sponsored Pedal, Push and Scoot took place successfully on Friday 12th November with more than twenty children participating. Children and Parents completed circuits of the school playground on scooters, tricycles and pushing dolls' buggies to the soundtrack or "Roary the Racing Car"!

Every child received a certificate and trophy for their hard work. many thanks to both parents and staff who supported this fundraiser!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

URGENT : Sponsored Pedal Push & Scoot POSTPONED

Due to the awful weather the Sponsored "Pedal Push and Scoot" is POSTPONED until tomorrow, 
FRIDAY 12th NOVEMBER at 9.30am.
Children who do not normally attend the Friday morning session may attend and join in if parents are able to stay with them. Many apologies for the short notice, the weather has not been kind to us!

Friday, 5 November 2010

November Newsletter now online

Our November Newsletter is available to read here on the Blog by clicking the link here or the Newsletter box on the right where all newsletter links are situated.