Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Nayland Playgroup Beach Trip 2010

This year our annual jaunt to Frinton will be on Thursday 15th July.
All playgroup children are welcome to come but must be accompanied by a parent or carer. To save costs, transport is by parents own cars.

The meeting place will be opposite the end of Pole Barn Lane on the Esplanade at about 10.30 am. A map is on the back of this letter.

Cross the railway crossing at Frinton then take the first turn left into Pole Barn Lane. Follow the road until you reach the junction at the beach. Parking is available opposite. We will tie some balloons to a staff car to help you spot us. There is a path which leads to the beach where you will find us. The path is quite steep but is suitable for pushchairs. Departure time is up to you but usually depends on the weather. If you need to be back for school finishing time you should allow at least an hour.

Please bring your own packed lunch, buckets and spades etc.

There will not be a regular playgroup session on the 15th July unless the trip is cancelled due to heavy rain when playgroup session will go ahead as normal. Lunch Club is also cancelled. If there is any doubt about the suitability of the weather a message will be left on the Woodland Corner answer machine (01206 263054) for you to ‘phone in and check.

Don’t forget the sun cream. The sun can burn even on dull days.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Fun in the Sun Summer 2010!!

Our popular Funshine Holiday Club will be running again this summer during the following weeks

Summer Holiday
Monday 26th July - Friday 30th July
Monday 23rd August - Friday 27th August

Download and complete an Application Form and return it to Woodland Corner with payment to secure your place.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Request for a Sony Playstation 2

Would anyone have an unused/unwanted Playstation2 at home which they might donate to Woodland Corner? We have lots of games but sadly our PS2 is no longer functional and it was much loved by the After School Club!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Nayland School's Summer Fete Saturday 12th June

Come and support Woodland Corner at Nayland School's Summer Fete this Saturday 11am-1pm

Woodland Corner will be selling ice creams and hosting a
"Hook a Duck" game.